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Dura Europos Green Glazed Amphora - 2022

This amphora model was made using the photogrammetry software Metashape. It was over 200,000 polygons.The amphora itself is an artifact of the Yale Undergraduate Art Gallery ( and is over 2000 years old. I had the privilege of documenting it in person and rendering this model for an educational project. 


Documenting an ancient artifact for photogrammetry is especially difficult because the object is very fragile and you can't handle it the same way as an ordinary object. I only had one chance to document this amphora because the object was brought out of the archives on appointment and could not leave its facilities since it's so valuable. It was absolutely a learning experience for me to document such a piece of history as well as go behind the scenes into a museum's archival process. 


The website for the full project is here.

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